[Excerto] For scientists one of the main barriers between Science and Society is the public's perceived knowledge deficit and their lack of interest. Beside these barriers, common to several scientific areas, Geoscience has also to deal with its poor visibility and recognition. Non-experts are still far from understanding the Geodiversity's role in everyday life and its importance in reaching effective sustainability for the planet. However, ensuring the protection of Geodiversity is not only in the geoscientist's hands. All the society needs to be implicated. Institutional and collective efforts and initiatives to bring Geoscience and Geodiversity to the public are well known all over the world and many geoscientists have been making impressive efforts to bring these topics for the public and media. agendas. Due to the considerable role of geosciences in society, even if it is not always recognized, communication must be a fundamental activity for geoscientists (Martin & Peppoloni 2017) and despite the different conditions, practices or motivations, Geoscience Communication has become one of the everyday duties of many geoscientists (Illingworth et al 2018). [...]