C–H bond in solvent toluene at reflux conditions to afford the complex Fe2 [μ-SnBut
(CH2Ph)] 2 (CO) 8, 3, where two of the But groups in 1 have been replaced with benzyl
groups. Similarly 1 also activates the benzylic C–H bond in solvent m-xylene to yield
complexes Fe2 [μ-SnBut (m-CH2PhMe)] 2 (CO) 8, 4, Fe2 [μ-SnBut (m-CH2PhMe)][μ-Sn (m-
CH2PhMe) 2](CO) 8, 5, and Fe2 [μ-Sn (m-CH2PhMe) 2] 2 (CO) 8, 6, where two, three and …