In this paper we present a set of new additions and functionalities to recently introduced software tools and techniques that will help researchers in the area of semantics and especially developers of wordnets. The motivation lies in our wish to get an on-line, fully comprehensive, modular, multiuser and safe system for further development of the Serbian WordNet (SWN). The most important functionality is the establishment of semantic relations between Princeton WordNet 3.0 (PWN) and the Serbian WordNet 3.0. Other functionalities of this set of tools are based on other semantic resources: SentiWordNet, a publicly available lexical resource for sentiment analysis, Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) and Morphological electronic dictionary of Serbian (SrpMD). They provide sophisticated search possibilities and procedures for easier and more comfortable growth of WordNet. All of the functionalities were developed using publicly available resources: PWN mapping techniques, SUMO mapping procedures, SentiWordNet mapping files and by using the SrpMD.