Severe class imbalance between majority and minority classes in Big Data can bias the predictive performance of Machine Learning algorithms toward the majority (negative) class. Where the minority (positive) class holds greater value than the majority (negative) class and the occurrence of false negatives incurs a greater penalty than false positives, the bias may lead to adverse consequences. Our paper incorporates two case studies, each utilizing three learners, six sampling approaches, two performance metrics, and five sampled distribution ratios, to uniquely investigate the effect of severe class imbalance on Big Data analytics. The learners (Gradient-Boosted Trees, Logistic Regression, Random Forest) were implemented within the Apache Spark framework. The first case study is based on a Medicare fraud detection dataset. The second case study, unlike the first, includes training data from one source (SlowlorisBig Dataset) and test data from a separate source (POST dataset). Results from the Medicare case study are not conclusive regarding the best sampling approach using Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve and Geometric Mean performance metrics. However, it should be noted that the Random Undersampling approach performs adequately in the first case study. For the SlowlorisBig case study, Random Undersampling convincingly outperforms the other five sampling approaches (Random Oversampling, Synthetic Minority Over-sampling TEchnique, SMOTE-borderline1 , SMOTE-borderline2 , ADAptive SYNthetic) when measuring performance with Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve and Geometric Mean metrics. Based on its classification performance in both case studies, Random Undersampling is the best choice as it results in models with a significantly smaller number of samples, thus reducing computational burden and training time.