Two-component systems (TCSs) allow bacteria to monitor diverse environmental cues and to adjust gene expression accordingly at the transcriptional level. It has been recently recognized that prokaryotes also regulate many genes and operons at a posttranscriptional level with the participation of small, noncoding RNAs which serve to control translation initiation and stability of target mRNAs, either directly by establishing antisense interactions or indirectly by antagonizing RNA-binding proteins. Interestingly, the expression of a subset of these small RNAs is regulated by TCSs and in this way, the small RNAs expand the scope of genetic control exerted by TCSs. Here we review the regulatory mechanisms and biological relevance of a number of small RNAs under TCS control in Gram-negative and-positive bacteria. These regulatory systems govern, for instance, porin-dependent permeability of the outer membrane, quorum-sensing control of pathogenicity, or biocontrol activity. Most likely, this emerging and rapidly expanding field of molecular microbiology will provide more and more examples in the near future.