Despite the benefits of novel therapeutics, inequitable diffusion of new technologies may generate disparities. We examined the growth of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) in the United States to understand the characteristics of hospitals that developed TAVR programs and the socioeconomic status of patients these hospitals served.
We identified fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries aged 66 years or older who underwent TAVR between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2018, and hospitals that developed TAVR programs (defined as performing≥ 10 TAVRs over the study period). We used linear regression models to compare socioeconomic characteristics of patients treated at hospitals that did and did not establish TAVR programs and described the association between core-based statistical area level markers of socioeconomic status and TAVR rates.
Between 2012 and 2018, 583 hospitals developed new TAVR programs, including 572 (98.1%) in metropolitan areas, and 293 (50.3%) in metropolitan areas with preexisting TAVR programs. Compared with hospitals that did not start TAVR programs, hospitals that did start TAVR programs treated fewer patients with dual eligibility for Medicaid (difference of− 2.83% 95% CI,− 3.78% to− 1.89%, P≤ 0.01), higher median household incomes (difference 244795%CI, 1348–3547,P=0.03),andfromareaswithlowerdistressedcommunitiesindexscores(difference−4.02units95%CI,−5.43to−2.61,P≤0.01).Afteradjustingfortheage,clinicalcomorbidities,raceandethnicityandsocioeconomicstatus,areaswithTAVRprogramshadhigherratesofTAVRandTAVRratesper100000Medicarebeneficiarieswerehigherincore-basedstatisticalareaswithfewerdualeligiblepatients,highermedianincome,andlowerdistressedcommunitiesindexscores.