The smart city is a city model widely developed around the world, despite its various definitions and concepts. Towards the best city quality of life, smart cities force various aspects of life to be managed in an integrated manner to solve complex urban problems, so that a large number of smart city models are born. In Indonesia, the smart city model is also applied to regencies known as a smart regency. This paper proposes a model for developing a smart regency with agropolitan characteristics in South Tapanuli using the Garuda Smart City Framework (GSCF), a smart city development framework. The proposed smart agropolitan model has been aligned with the masterplan of regional development (RPJMD), ICT development (RIPTIK/Renduk SPBE), tourism development (RIPKD/RIPPDA), and spatial governance (RTRW). The model was presented in the form of an architecture view which consists of three layers: the resource layer, the enabler layer, and the service layer. In addition to mapping modalities into enablers, this study also reveals several enablers that need to be presented and proposes several service clusters and items. Furthermore, this paper also proposes the Batang Toru–Sipirok area as a living lab for agropolitan smart regency continual improvement.