Spanish adjectives within bounds

R Marín - Adjectives, 2010 -
… Along with estar constructions, we find several contexts in Spanish that also demand a
temporally bounded denotation to their possible adjectival complements, such as pseudo-copular …

Mixing adjectives: A variable equivalence hypothesis for bilingual word order conflicts

R Torres Cacoullos, J Vélez Avilés - Linguistic Approaches to …, 2024 -
… members who switch between Spanish and English in both … involving adjectives are not
concerned with the boundaries … We next juxtapose the predictions of the models for within-NP …

Mood and gradability: An investigation of the subjunctive mood in Spanish

E Villalta - Linguistics and philosophy, 2008 - Springer
… Parallel to the scalar approaches to the semantics of gradable adjectives, I will propose
that … We will see that these phenomena can be straightforwardly accommodated within the …

Bare plurals in Spanish are interpreted as properties

L McNally - Catalan journal of linguistics, 2004 -
… during ESSLLI as a spiral-bound set of photocopies. Under … in general determiners and
adjectives agree with the nouns … Spanish BPs must always appear within VP; if so, the facts …


JN Green - The romance languages, 2003 -
… of numerous other combinations, both within and across word boundaries, of vowels 'in hiatus…
In Spanish, adjectives but not adjectival phrases or relative clauses may precede the head …

The semantics and pragmatics of the Spanish construction

JC Clements - 1988 -
… In Spanish the standard manner of asking for someone by … of the adverbial there, whereas
in Spanish the adverbial is not … characteristic of the manager within the class of managers)'. …

Small clauses in Spanish and English

H Contreras - Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 1987 - Springer
… In the (a) sentences, the anaphor si mismo must be bound inside the brackets, whereas in
the (b) … This result can be obtained within his system by assimilating selection by INFL to his L-…

Constraints on language mixing: Intrasentential code-switching and borrowing in Spanish/English

CW Pfaff - Language, 1979 - JSTOR
… ; it takes place within constituent boundaries, and results in … take place between constituent
boundaries, and results in … (c) Spanish adjectives agree with the nouns they modify in …

The exponence of gender in Spanish

JW Harris - Linguistic inquiry, 1991 - JSTOR
Spanish roots, stems, and affixes that belong to the major categories noun, adjective, and
adverb are in fact boundWithin the class of feminine nouns and adjectives that take a vocalic …

Spanish exclamatives and the interpretation of the left periphery

J Gutiérrez-Rexach - … STUDIES IN THE THEORY AND HISTORY …, 2001 -
adjective has to be checked in the C phase and, consequently, the degree argument has to
be also bound … No element from within the IP can raise when the merged complementizer is si…