Finding solutions to sparse linear systems of equations is an essential step in Computational Engineering applications of interest to NASA. Linear systems of equations are composed and solved in almost every computational engineering application. The characteristics of linear systems vary greatly from one application to another. Accordingly, there are a wide variety of methods for the solution of linear systems of equations. The operations and methods prepared by the authors are focused on linear systems of interest to NASA, primarily those associated with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Aeroelasticity, and Aeroacoustics. The Sparse Linear Algebra Toolkit (SLAT) is a coordinated collection of software featuring operations, methods, and data structures that are useful when solving sparse linear systems of equations on modern computer architectures. The implemented operations and methods are designed and tuned for parallelism in shared memory, in distributed memory, and across the hybrid combination of distributed-shared memory. The toolkit includes novel methods and implementations for modern architectures and facilitates development of new approaches for meeting NASA’s evolving computational engineering challenges using evolving computer architectures that are not available in vendor libraries. In this paper, significant features and interfaces within SLAT are presented and verified for simulations performed with NASA’s CFD solver, FUN3D. The runtime and scaling performance of the Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) method implemented in SLAT is analyzed for the linear subproblems within the solution of turbulent Navier-Stokes equations employed in the simulation of high-lift configurations. Prior to this work, the SPARSKIT GMRES implementation was the only Krylov subspace method available within FUN3D. A strong scaling study shows the SLAT GMRES implementation facilitates accurate Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes CFD solutions between 15% and 56% faster than the SPARSKIT GMRES implementation.