Staring Bay has long been used by the local community for fisheries and fishing activities; however, the rapid population growth and industrial activities around the bay in recent years are predicted to contribute significantly to the increase of waste entering the bay. This particular study was aimed to provide baseline levels of trace elements Pb, Cu, Ni, Fe, and As in this bay. Concentration and spatial distribution of trace elements were analyzed to determine the pollution status of the bay. An inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to quantify elements content. The concentrations of trace elements varied from 0.049-0.685 µg L-1 (average: 0.261 ± 0.163 µg L-1) for Pb, 0.170-1.278 µg L-1 (0.475 ± 0.252 µg L-1) for Cu, 0.375-1.469 µg L-1 (0.754 ± 0.258 µg L-1) for Ni, 0.544-69.290 µg L-1 (8.036 ± 13.779 µg L-1) for Fe, and 0.952-1.721 µg L-1 (1.366 ± 0.168 µg L-1) for As. The present study suggests that Staring Bay has been highly contaminated by trace elements Pb and Fe relative to their normal oceanic levels. The contaminated areas were found in the estuaries due to terrestrial anthropogenic inputs from industrial and agricultural activities, residential areas and brackish ponds.