The Family Health Strategy, created in Brazil in 1994 with the perspective of reorienting the model of health assistance, composes the Primary Health Care level. In this service action there is the need to construct a health situation map, in order to know the territory and to execute the proposed actions. This research discussed and evaluated the use of geoprocessing tools on the identification of micro-areas and their applicability as an instrument of strategic management of the services offered by the Family’s Health Strategy. The study is descriptive, temporal and the selection of localities followed, for convenience, the criteria of historic relevance and social vulnerability. The studied area was the first unit of the Family Health Strategy, located in São Luís–MA. Identification of micro-areas was made using the softwares Google Earth version 7.1. 2.2014, QGIS 2.4, Chigiak, my maps (google) and Google Street. As result, for the 10 micro-areas, the location of the studied area was generated. The study demonstrated that the artisanal method previously used was inefficient and static, considering that micro-areas were crisscrossing when they were not supposed to. New ways of representing the nine micro-areas adscript to the Family’s Health Unit were generated. The use of this technology allows a practical and dynamic access, as well as the identification of the territory, a fundamental item at the implementation of this model of health care.