gas density (n), the gas-phase metallicity (Z), and the deviation from the Kennicutt–Schmidt
(KS) relation (κ s) on scales in the interstellar medium (ISM) of five bright Lyman Break
Galaxies at the Epoch of Reionization (z≈ 7). To do so, we use GLAM, a state-of-art,
physically motivated Bayesian model that links the [C] and [O] surface brightness (Σ [CII], Σ
[OIII]) and the SFR surface density (ΣSFR) to n, κ s, and Z. All five sources are characterized …
We exploit moderately resolved [Oiii],[Cii] and dust continuum ALMA observations to derive
the gas density (𝑛), the gas-phase metallicity (𝑍) and the deviation from the Kennicutt-
Schmidt (KS) relation (𝜅𝑠) on≈ sub− kpc scales in the interstellar medium (ISM) of five
bright Lyman Break Galaxies at the Epoch of Reionization (𝑧≈ 7). To do so, we use GLAM,
a state-of-art, physically motivated Bayesian model that links the [Cii] and [Oiii] surface
brightness (Σ [CII], Σ [OIII]) and the SFR surface density (ΣSFR) to 𝑛, 𝜅𝑠, and 𝑍. All five …