Background and Objectives: Due to high prevalence of cancer and its destructive impact on spiritual health of patients, this study aim to investigate Spiritual health in cancer patients at OMID hospital affiliated with Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, 2012.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the study population was 106 cancer patients referred to hospital. Paloutzian-Ellison questionnaire (1982) and convenience sampling were used to collect data which were analyzed using SPSS 16.
Results: The mean scores of spiritual health, religious health and existential health were 97±1.2, 52.1±6.4 and 44.8±8.4 respectively. There was not statistical significant relationship between Spiritual health and demographic factors.
Conclusion: Spiritual health in cancer patients was intermediate. Promotion of spiritual health in diseases such as cancer that it is effective on the body, mind and spirit be taken into consideration specifically, because the Promotion of spiritual health leads to physical and mental health promotion.