Fandom around the world yearns for sports entertainment. Much of the discussions within the recent flurry of sport and exercise psychology writings have been focused on the challenging experiences of potential Olympians during an Olympic year. Indeed, the 2020 Olympics is an entertainment event like few others across sport levels. Within a previous editorial titled “Sport Psychology Services to High-Performance Athletes During Covid-19”, our Co-Editors from the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology invited several renowned experts from the international amateur sport community to join us in a dialog regarding how amatuer athletes from various national teams experienced their journeys through COVID-19. The editorial revealed convergences, though also idiosyncrasies in how team training during the time of the pandemic has been undertaken within centralised programs. The recent Olympic editorial can be found at the following link: https://doi. org/10. 1080/1612197X. 2020.1754616.