The first part of the present paper presents a summary description of peculiarities in distribution of the sprat and turbot in the Bulgarian and Romanian Blac Sea areas during spawning, fattening and wintering; it also shows two maps including routes and periods of its spawning, feeding and other migrations. The second part of the paper includes data about evolution of the fishing gears, fishing effort, catch dynamics, volume of catches, structure of the populations, stoc s biomass and maps showing geographic density patterns in annual abundance indices for sprat and turbot by fishing gear and seasons.
Sprat-Sprattus sprattus L., 1758, marine pelagic species, forms important agglomerations and performs irregular migrations between nutrition areas and spawning places determined by temperature conditions. In the spring there is a tendency of movement of the shoals toward coast and northwards and toward offing in the autumn, but there no specific migrations of spawning or feeding. The sprat wintering offing at depths of 80 to100m; in April-May is