We have constructed a dynamo model for the magnetic field in spiral galaxies that takes into account the differences in star formation rates in different galaxies. The difficulty in constructing the model is that the star formation rate does not enter directly into the equations of magnetohydrodynamics, which include only the root-mean-square velocity of the interstellar gas, its density, and the half-thickness of the ionized gas disk. We propose a parametrization of these quantities that relates them to the star formation rate and investigate our model in terms of the so-called no-z approximation, which neglects the details of the magnetic field structure in a direction perpendicular to the galactic disk. The influence of the star formation rate on the galactic dynamo is a threshold one. This influence is small at moderate star formation rates and significant only at very high star formation rates. If the starburst intensity reaches some critical level (exceeding that in the Milky Way by an order of magnitude), then the large-scale magnetic field is destroyed and it is restored only after completion of the starburst. We provide a list of galaxies that exhibit a fairly high star formation rate and that can be interesting to study their magnetic fields.