The calcium-soda-phosphate materials have potential application as biomaterials, because their chemical composition is close to that of natural bone mineral phase. The pure phosphate glasses do not have enough chemical stability for application. The addition of silver oxide to calcium-soda-phosphate matrix is aimed at minimizing the risk of microbial contamination through the potential antimicrobial activity of the leaching Ag+ ions [1, 2]. Vitreous P2O5 has a three-dimensional network build up with PO4 tetrahedra connected by three of their four corners. The fourth one is occupied by terminal doublebonded oxygens. Introducing the glass network modifiers, results in breaking POP bonds, and non bridging oxygens (NBO) are formed. Depending on the number of the bridging oxygen the phosphate tetrahedra can be described as Qn, where n represents the number of the bridging oxygens and can have a value of 0, 1, 2, 3 [3]. A framework built up with Q3 denotes a fully polymerized structure, while Q2 unit gives only a two dimensional structure based on chains or rings. Q1 and Q0 units are characteristic for ortophosphate structures. The aim of this study is to characterize the structure of the glasses and to determine the change that occurs with increasing Ag2O content.