The species composition of algae occurring in various biotopes of 13 lakes located within the territory of Kiev was investigated. A total of 278 species of algae was found in water column, whereas 305 their species –in the fouling of higher aquatic plants. It has been found that the taxonomic structure of phytoplankton essentially differed from that of phytoepiphyton. The distribution of the quantitative indices of algae development over various biotopes was also non-uniform. In water column, mainly Cyanoprokaryota predominated in terms of their numbers, whereas Cyanoprokaryota and Dinophyta –in terms of their biomass. In the fouling of higher aquatic plants, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, and Streptophyta prevailed both in terms of their numbers and in terms of their biomass. In plankton, the complex of dominant species was represented mainly by Cyanoprokaryota, whereas in epiphyton –by Bacillariophyta. Mainly Chlorophyta occurred with a high frequency in water column, whereas Bacillariophyta –in the fouling of higher aquatic plants.