Structural and electrical properties of newly synthesized vinylidene fluoride (VDF) oligomer thin film have been investigated. The FTIR spectrum showed that the epitaxially grown film on KBr (001) substrate consists of form I (β phase) crystals and their c axes (molecular axes) and b axes (polar axes) are arranged parallel to the KBr substrate. To make electrical measurements possible, this film was transferred onto a gold bottom electrode without causing any changes in the crystalline structures. By using a modified atomic force microscope, we succeeded in the formation of local polarized domains as well as the clear observation of piezoresponse hysteresis curves in this sample. The coercive field and piezoelectric coefficient (d 33) for the 37-nm-thick film were about 200 MV/m and-3 pm/V, respectively. It was suggested that the b axis in the as-grown film rotated from the parallel to the perpendicular direction to the film surface during the poling process. This study reveals the ferroelectric characteristics in the VDF oligomer thin films for the first time.