Crop nutrient management is always a tough task for farmers as most recommendations made for crops are not actually based on all the given localities. Proper and balanced nutrients help in good absorption and translocation of nutrients consequently facilitating proper growth and development of plant along with maintaining the soil health. In view of the above facts, the present experiment was executed at the Research Area of Farm of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat to find out the effects of balanced and combined practices of nutrient managements on fennel crop. The research was laid out in Randomized Block Design comprising of twelve combinations of Integrated Nutrient Management treatments and three replications. The results revealed that the application of 100% RDF (Recommended Dose of Fertilizer) with Azospirillum sp.+ Phosphate S. Bacteria+ Vermi-compost@ 2 t ha-1 significantly increased the nutrient uptake of seed (N-42.71, P-8.12, K-13.77 kg-1) and stover (N-28.49, P-9.18, K-16.10 kg-1) as compared to the remaining treatments whereas the application of 50% RDF+