Various types of infertility are associated with uncontrolled hyperglycemia. Development of oxidative stress is one of the most important factors in the alteration of spermatogenesis in diabetic conditions. Testicular tissue is one of the sensitive organs to environmental damages. Natural antioxidants are considered as preventive and therapeutic strategies in cases of diabetic side effects. Cydonia oblonga leaf extract contains natural antioxidant compounds. The flavonoid compounds of the quince have strong antioxidant and immune-regulatory effects. According to little data about the protective effects of cydonia oblonga leaf extract on the structural alterations of testicular tissue following induction of diabetes, in this study protective aspects of this extract on the diabetic reproductive alteration were evaluated. Cydonia oblonga leaf extract was gavaged in two doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg. The number of 56 adult rats were divided into seven groups consisted of control, extract treated control groups, diabetic, extract treated diabetic groups and metformin treated diabetic group. Eight weeks after induction of diabetes, the body and testicular weight were measured and microscopic and histomorphometric studies were done on tissue samples. In control groups, the administration of extract had no effect on histomorphometric parameters. In extract treated diabetic groups, the mean of body weight, histologic parameters and spermatogenesis indices were improved in comparison to non-treated diabetic group. The results of this study showed that, natural antioxidant such as cydonia oblonga leaf extract in certain doses could be effective in reduction of hyperglycemic side effects on target organs.