This study was conducted to evaluate efficiency of biological and chemical control methods against citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri Risso (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), caused important economic losses in the east Mediterranean region of Turkey. It was investigated at 23 different citrus orchards in Finike county of Antalya in 2011. Chloropyrifos-ethyl, spirotetramat, summer oil and biological control agents (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Leptomastix dactylopii How.(Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) were applied under grower conditions against mealybug. Percent infestation rate of mealybug was determined on random samples of 5 fruits per tree, examining presence or absence of mealybug, ie totally 150 fruits per orchard. Biological control agents were sampled by a strike technique. The mealybug density differences among the applied methods were analyzed to compare the average mealybug infestation rate in insecticide and biological control applied orchards, and it was different insignificantly. While the lowest infestation rate was at summer oil (% 5.91); spirotetramat (% 6.88), chloropyriphos-ethyl (% 7.69) and biological control (% 8.66) followed it. The highest average number of natural enemies for each treatment was determined as 20.57 individuals, of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens)(Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), C. montrouzieri, and Scymnus spp. in orchards biological control application used, followed by summer oil sprayed orchards as 4.25 individuals, of C. carnea and Scymnus spp., and spirotetramat sprayed orchards as 2.67 individuals per orchard, of C. carnea and Scymnus spp. It is determined that summer oil and spirotetramat are compatible with natural enemies. However, chorpyrifos-ethyl was incompatible, due to side effects on natural enemies. Because of possibility of phytoxicity effect of summer oil in hot weather condition; spirotetramat has a chance in IPM application for managing citrus mealybug.