Sugarcane is a high biomass energy crop; the sugar stored in the stalk and the lignocellulosic residue remaining after sugar extraction called bagasse can both be used for the production of biofuel or other bioproducts. This chapter first talks about environmental requirements for sugarcane production, such as climate change and soil type. Next, it focuses on nutrient and water conditions for optimal growth of sugarcane. With the expansion in the area grown with sugarcane, the growing threat of new pests and diseases can cause significant declines in sugarcane yield. The chapter also deals with the sugarcane disease and pest control. With the improvements in sugarcane harvesting and cogeneration technology, bagasse and sugarcane agricultural residues (SCAR) have become important sources of bioenergy. Life‐cycle assessment (LCA) is a useful tool for establishing the environmental profile of complex sugarcane production systems, including alternative mill products and by‐products.