This paper presents an experimental study evaluating the effect of polypropylene fiber on swell and compressibility of expansive soils. The initial phase of the experimental program includes the study of the effect of polypropylene fiber on maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) with different fiber inclusions. Static and dynamic compaction tests have been conducted on an expansive soil sample with different percentages of 0%, 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1% polypropylene fiber additions (by dry weight of the soil). The second phase of the experimental program focuses on the compressibility and hydraulic characteristics of the soils. The unreinforced and reinforced specimens have been prepared statically and the swell and compressibility behavior of the samples have been analyzed. Finally it is concluded that mitigation of expansive soils using polypropylene fiber might be an effective method in reducing the swell potential and compressibility of subsoils on which roads and light buildings are constructed.