Automated synthesis from behavioural specifications is an attractive way of constructing computational systems. In this paper, we look at a specific instance of this approach which aims at constructing GALS (globally asynchronous locally synchronous) systems. GALS systems are represented by Petri nets with localities, each locality defining a set of co-located actions, and specifications are given in terms of transition systems with arcs labelled by steps of executed actions. The proposed synthesis procedures are based on the regions of transition systems, and work without knowing which actions are to be co-located.
We consider two basic classes of Petri nets, viz. Elementary Net System with Localities (ENL-system) and Place/Transition nets with localities (PTL-nets). In particular, we discuss ENL-systems where there is no conflict between events coming from different localities. In such a case, the synthesis problem reduces to checking just one co-location relation. This result is then extended to PTL-nets.