ALCARAZ, Isidro. Technological maturity and innovation in Mexican companies. Investig. adm.[online]. 2021, vol. 50, n. 128, 12809. Epub 23-Ago-2021. ISSN 2448-7678. https://doi. org/10.35426/iav50n128. 09.
OLLIVIER FIERRO, Juan Óscar; MARTINEZ RAMOS, Pedro Javier y DOMINGUEZ ALCARAZ, Isidro. Technological maturity and innovation in Mexican companies. Investig. adm.[online]. 2021, vol. 50, n. 128, 12809. Epub 23-Ago-2021. ISSN 2448-7678. https://doi. org/10.35426/iav50n128. 09.