This study aims to describe the ability to understand the narrative text of Indonesian Language and Literature students in the second semester. This research was conducted at the University of Musamus Merauke. Based on the observations during the lecture, it was found that Indonesian Language and Literature students still did not understand the narrative text. This is because the students' enthusiasm and interest in reading are still very weak. Population of this study are Indonesian Language and Literature students in the second semester of 2017/2018 academic year, while the sample of this study 9 people selected by using purposive sampling. This research is a type of qualitative research. Data collection instruments and techniques in this study are tests and observations. Data analysis in this study uses qualitative data analysis technique. In addition to qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis is also used which aims to determine the level of students' ability to understand narrative text. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the ability to understand the narrative discourse of Indonesian Language and Literature students in the second semester of the University of Musamus as a whole is in the category of good with a score of 66. In the aspect of the ability to find the main idea, the score is in the category of poor with a value of 55, and in the aspect of the ability to conclude the content of the narrative text is in the category of fair with a score of 61