The global spread of Aedes mosquitoes has created serious issues related to public health. These mosquitoes are distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. The different species of Aedes mosquitoes act as vectors for transmission of diseases and, therefore, affect the health of people worldwide. The name of genus Aedes was given by Johann Wilhelm Meigen in 1818. Aedes is a genus of mosquitoes that was mainly found in tropical and subtropical regions. Nowadays they have been reported in all continents, except the coldest end, Antarctica. Few records also mention that the Aedes aegypti (Aae) that is found distributed as urban and domestic forms emerged from the sylvatic (zoonotic) ancestor, Aedes aegypti formosus (Aaf), of the sub-Saharan Africa. Aae is the main vector behind transmission of diseases like yellow fever, dengue fever, chikungunya, and Zika fever. Researchers who have studied the evolutionary biology and genomics of these mosquitoes indicate it to be the most suitable vector for disease transmission.