Reading is a window to the world that can provide extensive information to increase knowledge in everything. Nowadays, the level of students interest in reading is still low. The problems are lack of interest on their reading, they consider long reading materials to be very boring, lack of important of reading enthusiasm and lack of media. The use of media is very important in teaching learning process. One of media is E-Learning. The increasing of high technology in this century gives an impact for humans’ life. Not only in humans’ life but that condition happened in education. This study is aimed to find the effect of E-Learning as media in teaching reading at the tenth grade of Wachid Hasyim Senior High School in Academic Year 2021/2022. The researcher used Quasi Experimental design. The population is the students of Wachid Hasyim Senior High School and the sample is the tenth grade students 2 classes at Wachid Hasyim Senior High School. A large number of subject as many as 60 students were the sample of this research. After they had given a pretest, they were divided into two groups based on the class that already existed, XA class and XB class. XA class consisted of 30 students, and it was the experiment group and XB class consisted of 30 students, and it was the control group. Based on the result of data analysis in this research, the researcher will describe the finding based on the hypothesis testing. The hypothesis testing showed that there is a significance difference between Reading Comprehension of students who are taught using E-Learning and Reading Comprehension of the students who are taught using Offline Learning. The students who taught using E-Learning have better achievement than the students taught using Offline Learning. It was proved from the computation where computed F-value (16.668) was higher than the F-critical value (4.00) in 0.05 level of significance. It meant that Ha was accepted so, it was clear that E-Learning gave a significant effect on the students’ reading comprehension achievement.