This chapter traces the development of the Skopje protests that came to be known as the Šarena Revolucija and the temporary defacement of monuments and buildings built by the authoritarian nationalist regime as a driving catalyzer of the revolution. The chapter examines both the reframing of heritage in Macedonia´s capital, as well as the limits of affective politics connected to urban space and heritage. After the account of the Skopje 2014 project that substituted Skopje’s Socialist landscape with neo-baroque facades and nationalist monuments, the chapter analyzes the period when activists opposed it and how their networks and urban knowledge proved crucial in 2016. The Šarena Revolucija did not emerge as an urban protest but was rather the outcome of a series of contestations against an authoritarian regime. Finally, the marginalization of the grassroots urban revolt is explored reflecting on how it failed to shape the agenda of the new government.