Within the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security programme (GMES) and its Marine Service Fast Track, MyOcean consolidates the past efforts in pre-operational ocean monitoring and forecasting capacity in Europe. The Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (Med-MFC) is one of the regional production centres of the MyOcean system (www. myocean. eu). The Med-MFC is therefore the operational centre for the provision of basic modelling datasets that are at the basis of the continuous monitoring and forecasting of the marine environment for this region. This system is composed of two key elements coupled off-line: Med-currents for the physical system, and Med-biogeochemistry, for the biogeochemical component. The system produces 10-day forecasts daily for Med-currents and twice weekly for Med-biogeochemistry. The MyOcean system is operational since December 2009 and is periodically updated.