The paper presents an ethnographic approach to the study of culture change, here the culture of the practice of Afiye (Caste system) among the Yala communities of Cross River State and why the persistence of such culture by a homogenous community such as the Yala community? The paper further, wonders why after the high status achieved by the Yala people in every facet of life and indeed the influence of factors of change, such as Christianity, globalization, technology and modernity, that the Afiye practice still remained unchanged. It is the discovery of this paper that the factors responsible for the persistence of this practice against all factors of change are anchored on the religious factor, cultural identity, socio-political factors and, economic factors. It is the argument of this paper that instead of the factors above contributing to its persistence, it should be the ready factors to its discontinuity. For the advantages outweigh any given disadvantages. It is therefore the conclusion of this paper that the persistence of this practice be used to abrogate the practice which will in turn leads to an egalitarian Yala society, built on trust, unity and a mutual acceptance of one another, as a people, who indeed appreciate and love themselves as exemplified in their greetings.