The paper presents an artistic experience aimed at developing the vocal and emotional expressiveness of young people with intellectual, relational and physical disabilities. It follows the Esagramma® methodology, called Affective Vocal Education (EVA), and focuses on the production of a radio-drama based on the Roman de la Rose by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun. It was realized by an actor and a sound engineer together with 5 girls and 1 boy with various diagnoses affecting their verbal and relational skills. A specific methodology allowed us to quantify macroscopic dialogic and prosodic variations before and after the artistic experience, by extracting a set of suprasegmental features thanks to a pre-and a post-test recording of spontaneous and elicited speech. Moreover, the paper describes the development of the theatrical script, the operational and artistic choices as well as the analysis of the complexity of the radio-drama from a linguistic point of view.