Bullying and victimization, including social damage that schools face today, and research in this area is important. Therefore the aim of the present study was the role of attachment styles and self-efficacy in predicting bullying and victimization of students in secondary schools. This study is descriptive and has used the correlation method. For this purpose 330 students (134 boys and 196 girls) of Dehdasht secondary schools were selected randomly by cluster sampling method and they filled in the Illinois bullying, general self-efficacy Schwarzer and Jerusalem and attachment styles Hazan and Shaver questionnaires. For data analysis, Pearson’s correlation method and multiple regressions were used by using SPSS V19 software. The results Pearson’s correlation showed between self-efficacy and secures attachment with bullying and victimization is a significant negative relationship. But avoidant and ambivalent insecure attachment with bullying and victimization were positively and significantly. Also 19% of the variance of bullying by self-efficacy, secure attachment and insecure attachment was ambivalent Explanation and 16% of the variance victim was determined by the efficacy and secure attachment. The results of this study have shown that self-efficacy, safety and ambivalent insecure attachment predicts a significant role in bullying and victimization of students are and planning for the awareness of teachers, administrators and parents of this variable to prevent and reduce bullying and victimization in school is necessary.