The study was on two wards of Dar-es-Salaam namely Karakata and Majumbasita. This study was based on; studying the existing situation of the systems, determining the systems performance in pretreatment of human-excreta, and checking the safety associated with human-urine re-use in agriculture. The parameters analyzed were pH, temperature, COD, VSS for methanogenic activity, and stability test in faecal material, and in urine, the parameters were pH and faecal-coliforms. The laboratory findings are as follows;(1) the faecal material from the eco-san toilets showed; 85% and 91% decrease in COD and in ascaris eggs, respectively compared to normal pit latrines, 92 mgCOD/gVSS/day methane gas production rate, 80-100 stabilization days, 8.8 average pH (2) the urine from the eco-san toilets showed 50-600 faecal-coliforms (counts/100ml) and 9.3-11.8 average pH. The conclusion drawn from these findings is; Ecosan toilet when properly used is the best sanitation system in pathogen destruction and organic matter reduction.