The Tatuí Formation, one of the Brazilian Paraná Basin geological units, is developed solely in the State of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. It is studied herein, through outcrops at the eastern border of the basin, which are siltstones and fine sandstones, interbedded with some coarse and conglomeratic sandstones. Published papers on its fossils are sparse, dealing with some groups but not involving the entire association. This paper deals with ichnofossils, arthropods (conchostracans, isopods, and indeterminate crustaceans), plants (pteridophytes and spermatophytes) and fish remains (scales and teeth of Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii). Foraminifers and sponge spicules were reported in short communications without illustrations and from uncertain stratigraphic positions. The Tatuí Formation paleoenvironmental deposition evolved through three phases. The first contains only the euryhaline fossils in siltstone beds. The second phase is regressive, with continental fossils (conchostracans and plants) in massive or laminated siltstone beds and conglomerates. The third stage is transgressive with hummocky cross-stratification in sandstone and increasing salinity.