Job autonomy is seen as a central work characteristic with positive effects on motivation and work outcomes. However, in today’s world of work, excessive levels of job autonomy might also form a demand associated with negative consequences. In two studies, we investigated the detrimental effects of two autonomy facets with regard to work motivation. First, in a cross-sectional study with 501 employees, we found evidence that work methods and work scheduling autonomy might form demands at work. For both facets, we found support for a “too-much-of-a-good-thing” effect, as we identified non-linear relationships with work intensification. In a sec-ond, experimental study based on vignettes (N = 228 employees), we manipulated the autonomy facets by descriptions of a hypothetical work situation applying a 2x2 between-subject design (high vs. low work methods vs. work scheduling autonomy). We found evidence for contradict-ing effects, as the autonomy facets had positive and negative motivational effects. In particular, work scheduling autonomy led to higher levels of work intensification, at the same time hindering and stimulating work engagement. Although our findings did not fully replicate in our second study, nevertheless they provide much needed empirical evidence and an explanation approach for detrimental motivational effects of autonomy at work.