Human resources play an important role in supporting the success of a company. Losing competent employees is an important problem for a company. The goal of this research is to investigate the direct and indirect impacts of the career development towards the turnover intention by means of two mediators, those are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The quantitative data of this research are in the form of questionaries that are given to 132 respondents through purposive sampling using SEM-PLS method of analysis. The results of this study shows that career development has a negative effect on turnover intention, career development has a positive effect on job satisfaction, job satisfaction has no effect on turnover intention, career development has a positive effect on organizational commitment, organizational commitment has a negative effect on turnover intention, job satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational commitment, the inability of the job satisfaction to mediate the impact of career development towards turnover intention, and the role of the organizational commitment to mediate the impact of career development towards the turnover intention.