(SAMS) is vital for maintaining patient compliance with these pharmaceuticals, and thus
improving patient outcomes. This study aimed to clarify the relationship between statin
lipophilicity, or dose, and the frequency of adverse muscle symptoms using a systematic
review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). RCTs, including statin monotherapy and
placebo groups, which reported data on muscle adverse events were identified through the …
Background: The American Heart Association has concluded that NOACs are superior as
anticoagulants. However, up to 50% of new onset atrial fibrillation are still commenced on
warfarin. The fear of bleeds and lack of an antidote appear to be a key reason. Four recent
trials comparing NOACs to warfarin provide the opportunity to compare the rates of bleeding
and outcomes. Methods: Relevant clinical trials were extracted from New England Journal of
Medicine and associated supplementary data. Results: These trials involved 98 279 …