the police and subsequent victimization reporting. It also examines whether this relationship
depends on the type of encounter (citizen-initiated contacts, routine vehicle stops, invasive
encounters associated with being a suspect), its perceived justness, or victim characteristics.
Among victims who did not notify the police, the reasons behind this decision are assessed
to understand the mechanisms through which police encounters are related to reporting …
This study examines whether or not prior experiences with the police, both directly and
indirectly through the experiences of others, can influence one's decision to report a crime.
Data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) was linked with the Police-Public
Contact Survey (PPCS) to construct a dataset of the police-related experiences of crime
victims and non-victims. Variables include information on the prevalence, frequency, and the
nature of respondents' encounters with the police in the prior year, as well as respondents' …