Please fill up the following information accurately. (Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt. The effects of teaching practicum on EFL pre-service teachers’ concerns This study aims to find out whether accumulating theoretical knowledge through methodology courses and experiencing real teaching practice during practicum may lead to any changes in EFL student-teachers’ probable concerns about teaching. The study further attempts to define these changes, if any. To reach the aims of the study, data were collected by means of a scale developed on the basis of the student-teachers’ concerns about teaching and teaching practice concerns sheets (TPCS) they kept for a period of ten weeks. In order to bring more depth to the study, the data were triangulated by the student-teachers’ narrative reflections. Results indicate a significant difference between student-teacher concerns at the beginning and the end of teaching practice. It appears that practicum provides student-teachers with a base for awareness on teaching related issues in real contexts. In addition to this hand on experience, the findings also demonstrate that the knowledge base of student-teachers played an influential role in triggering the change in the nature of their concerns. Information about Author(s)* Author 1 Author (Last name, First name) Yalçın Arslan, Fadime Affiliated institution (University) Gaziantep UniversityCountry Turkey Email address fyalcin80@gmail.comDepartment & Rank English Language Teaching Corresponding author (Yes/No) Write only one corresponding author. Yes Author 2 Author (Last name, First name) İlin, Gülden Affiliated institution (University) Çukurova UniversityCountry Turkey Email address gulden.ilin@gmail.comDepartment & Rank English Language Teaching Corresponding author (Yes/No) No Author 3 Author (Last name, First name) Affiliated institution (University) Country Email address Department & Rank Corresponding author (Yes/No) Author 4 Author (Last name, First name) Affiliated institution (University) Country Email address Department & Rank Corresponding author (Yes/No)