Sample of 82 young handball players, all of them in a training process at least one year, aged 11-14, underwent a three month programmed transformational procedure. Basic principle of this procedure were situational methods. Structurally &# 8211; qualitative changes of the situational-motoric skills in the structure of the relations are significant. Two latent specific movement mechanisms are isolated, with 73% of common variability. Se we are safe to assume that a large number of the variability in the specific tests is implemented, where as a criterion Gutman Kaiser is taken, these two factors describe the essence of handball: 1) movement and controlling the court, and 2) achieving the goal (scoring). Analysis of the structural changes, done with the Cramer model with the more accurate identification, shows the biggest changes in variables SMGLC (hitting the mark with a ball) and SMŠZ20 (throwing the ball against the wall), so we can conclude that this procedure affects Accuracy and Speed of movement without a ball. The general conclusion stemming from this analysis suggests that this handball program made significant changes in the structure of the situational-motor skills.