The widespread popularity of the internet can be considered both advantageous and detrimental to society, as the age of technological advancement sparks innovative ways in which people receive information. On one hand, the availability of the internet has allowed people to research their own health concerns and symptoms, which enables them to seek treatment faster. On the other hand, this can turn into an obsessive habit by cyberchondriacs who relentlessly scour the internet over any trivial health concern. Furthermore, the widespread popularity of the internet is also responsible for a surge in spreading misinformation, namely about the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to undermining the credibility of trusted healthcare officials and organizations. This paper aims to not only explore the problems that arise with the widespread availability of information via the internet, but to also explore possible solutions that would benefit society on both an individualized and collective scale. The solutions presented in this paper seek to assist individuals in rendering professional therapy services for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and to assist the collective population in maintaining responsible internet usage.