Background: There is at present a high interest in breast cancer but there is still lack of adequate knowledge on male breast cancer. There is no prospective study on male breast cancer, in our environment.
Objective: To determine the epidemiology, pathological types, clinical features, management and outcome of male breast cancer in Eastern Nigeria Materials and methods: Folders of all patients with breast cancer, that attended University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu, a major referral centre in South Eastern Nigeria from 1995 to 2006 were pooled from the medical record. The number of female and male breast cancer patients were noted. Other relevant facts like age at presentation, duration of illness before presentation, mean age at presentation, pathological types, stage at presentation, treatment received and follow up care were also obtained. Results: Out of 1313 cases of breast cancer that presented over the period, 26 were males giving male percentage to be 2%. The peak incidence of occurrence was between 60-69 years with a mean of 60.5 years. The age range of the patients were 25 to 84 years. Invasive ductal carcinoma accounted for 65% of the cases managed. 58% of the cases presented at stage III. Eleven of the patients were followed up for 5 years, only 1 was alive, giving 5 year survival of 9.1%. Conclusion: Male breast cancer cases contributes to 2% of all breast cancer cases seen at UNTH, Enugu, a major referral centre in Eastern Nigeria. Most of the patients presented late making outcome to be poor. There is need for increased public awareness of this disease.