Maritime spatial planning can play a very useful role in determining the guidelines for the sustainable and integrated management of human activities at sea, the conservation of the living environment, the fragility of coastal ecosystems, the erosion and social and economic factors, when considering land-sea interactions. The analysis and organization of human activities in marine areas are aimed at achieving ecological, economic and social objectives, as well as promoting cooperation between the Member States. This study is part of the MARSPLAN BS II project, in which the authors took part, and it seeks to examine the perception of MSP-interested stakeholders on the most important land-sea and sea-land interactions for river, road, rail and maritime transport activities in the Romanian coastal area, from the point of view of economic, social and ecological priorities. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed that includes the key operational elements in approaching the LSI concept from a two-way perspective:(1) the assessment from land to sea, namely how terrestrial developments influence and support marine developments and the way in which they have an impact on the environment;(2) the assessment from sea to land, ie, how the sea supports or influences land-based activities, in particular so as to ensure the well-being of coastal communities. The questionnaire designed within the project was administered to the MSP-interested stakeholders, the data collected being aggregated according to the scale on which the activity of the participating organizations (international, local and national) is carried out. The results of the performed analysis are beneficial to the subsequent decisions in MSP regarding the interactions between land and sea for the transport activities in the Romanian coastal area of the Black Sea.