The present study investigated on the relationships between attachment styles (secure, avoidant and anxious-ambivalent) and narcissism. The samples in this study consisted of 200 students (100 male, 100 female) that were selected randomly by multi stage random sampling methods. The instruments for collecting data‘s consisted of Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-16) and Adult Attachment Inventory (AAI). Data‘s was analyzed by correlation and hierarchical regression. The results of simple correlation showed that there was a negative relationship between secure attachment, narcissism and there was positive relationships between avoidant, ambivalent attachment and narcissism. Also, the regression analysis revealed that; attachment styles have an important role in predicting narcissism prediction. According to the founds that this study can be stated that attachment styles can regulate narcissism. These results should be considered as parents educating, counselors and mental health assistants.