Ten Fingerlings each of Clarias gariepinus were fed with five experimental diets compounded with major nutrient sources with varying percentages of protein obtained from housefly Musca domestica maggot meal (HFMM) at 0%, 12.5%, 50% and 100% inclusion in diets I, II, III, and IV respectively. Diet V was made up of HFMM only. The effect of the varying protein content on the growth and development of the fingerlings were studied for 8 weeks. The best-feed conversion ratio was observed in diet II (25% maggot inclusion) while the least was in diet V (whole maggot). Feed utilization was highest in diet I (0% maggot). Fish fed on diet I recorded the highest growth rate (SGR) and was least in fish fed on diet V (whole maggot). Also, the highest protein efficiency ratio (PER) was recorded in fish fed on diet Ill and least in fish fed with diet V. Proximate analysis of fish fed on the different diets revealed that crude protein was least in fish without experimental diet (70.05%) and highest in fish fed with whole maggot (diet V) 76.31%. The ash content of fish carcass composition before and after feed trial did not follow a definite pattern. The results of the study showed that the survival and the development of fingerlings were best when maggot was used as supplement.