The objective of this study was to characterize Expressed Emotion in families of individuals with parasuicidal behavior, a non-fatal act in which there is self-harm or deliberate excessive ingestion of a substance and to examine the significant relationships between Expressed Emotion (EE), Coping, Depression, Self-concept, and parasuicidal behaviors. The sample consisted of 67 subjects divided into two groups. The first group was made up of 34 parasuicides. Parasuicidal behavior, self-concept, coping, depression and the family's EE were assessed in this group. The control group was composed of 33 young people with identical characteristics (age: 15–24; gender: more female; and residence). All the subjects were followed up for a 9 month period, during which time EE and recurrent parasuicidal behaviors were assessed. Parasuicides showed significant differences (at a 0.05% significance level) in comparison to the control group They showed more Depressed, less Coping, and less Self-concept. There was also an intimate family atmosphere with a high EE. The parasuicides whose families had a high EE showed more recurrent parasuicidal behaviors. The results demonstrate that EE is a predictor of recurrent parasuicidal behaviors and that its assessment in families of young parasuicides is useful.