As a second larger city in Indonesia, Surabaya is listed among highest crime rate city in this country. One of the prominent crime in Surabaya is a street crime. This is a type of crime that often occurs in in public spaces which can be experienced by anyone. One of the urban planner guideline in integrating spatial approach to prevent crime is defensible space theory, this research is deducting the theory as a variable as well as inducting variable that might vary between location to country. Using ethnographic approach, the interview was conducted with a crime offenders that later triangulate with the other conventional expert. This research found that there are two (2) types of space in each crime incident, which researcher defined as a action space and defense space. Action space consist of three types of space which are: the observation space, the execution space, and the escape space. Meanwhile, the defense space can be categorized as space that can be maintained positively and space that can be maintained neutral.