The role of tissue factor (TF) as the major initiator of hemostatic blood coagulation is well recognized. The ability to form an adequate hemostatic clot is essential to the normal healing of an injury by staunching bleeding, stabilizing the injured tissue, and serving as a scaffold for repair processes. Also, some molecules produced during hemostasis, particularly thrombin, have cytokine and growth factor-like activities that contribute to inflammation and repair. However, TF itself has activities as a regulator of cellular processes via direct signaling, as well as by facilitating activation of proteolytically activated receptors by activated factors VII and X. The importance of hemostasis in the host response to injury makes it very difficult to separate the hemostatic from nonhemostatic effects of TF on wound healing. The literature in this area remains sparse but suggests that TF influences the course and tempo of healing by cell signaling events that impact inflammation, epithelialization, and angiogenesis.